Labiaplasty Surgeon - Boston South Shore
Labiaplasty is one of the most popular procedures that Dr. Hamori and Dr. DiEdwardo perform
in their Duxbury surgical center. Nationwide it is one of the fastest growing types of aesthetic plastic surgery. Statistics from The Aesthetic Society's Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
National Databank show a 36% increase in Labiaplasty procedures between 2020 and 2021.
Both Dr. Hamori and Dr. DiEdwardo perform several types of labial surgeries:
- Labia Minora Reduction (Labiaplasty, see more below)
- Labia Majora Reduction
- Clitoral Hood Reduction
- Labiaplasty Revision Surgery
In addition, they also offer a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure:
Dr. Christine Hamori, MD, FACS, has developed special expertise in labiaplasty.
What is labiaplasty?
Most patients seeking labiaplasty feel that there is too much labia minora (inner lips) dangling beyond the labia majora (outer lips). Others feel bulky in pants or a bathing suit to the point of not wanting to wear any revealing clothing. The final group of patients seeking such surgery are active athletes or triathletes who complain of rubbing with biking or running.
Labiaplasty is a surgical reduction of the labia minora to reduce the protrusion beyond the labia majora. The delicate procedure is customized for each patient done in the privacy of our stand-alone practice with state-of-the-art surgical suite. (See animations below.) It usually takes about 45 minutes and may be performed under local or general anesthesia. A follow up appointment is scheduled for 2 weeks and 2 months after the surgery. Sutures dissolve with time and minimal if any pain medication is necessary afterwards. Patients will often come in on a Thursday for the procedure and are back to work by Monday. For a full recovery, your surgeon will suggest waiting 3 weeks before exercising, and 6 weeks before having sex.
Labial Surgeries Explained: Click on + LABIAPLASTY VARIATIONS (below) to expand the page for more educational information on the most common variations of labial surgery with visual descriptions developed by Dr. Hamori.
An increasingly popular trend in female aesthetics
Below Dr. DiEdwardo describes the increasing interest in labiaplasty by women of all ages, and the high rate of satisfaction her patients experience as a result of this simple surgery.
Dr. DiEdwardo has seen labiaplasty surgery is often a life-changing procedure for her patients.
Helping women feel more confident
In an article and video on the Plastic Surgery Channel, Dr. Hamori reveals that women are coming in for this procedure “because they’re unhappy with their appearance. It’s much like anything else aesthetic… women want to look pretty. It’s also about sexual confidence. The procedure has no relation to physically making sex better, but a woman’s confidence can be restored and thereby improve her sexual confidence.”
See more at: Making Your Vagina Beautiful, on The Plastic Surgery Channel.
Dr. Christine Hamori, describes trends driving popularity in labiaplasty.
Labiaplasty before-and-after photos and more information: Click a section to expand category…
- Before And After
Labiaplasty - Before and After Photos - Actual Patients
Patient 1
Patient 2
Patient 3
Patient 4
Patient 5
Patient 6
Patient 7
View many more labiaplasty photos in our Before + After Gallery.
- Testimonials / Reviews
Labiaplasty testimonials:
“I was always extremely self conscious of my anatomy down there, for my inner labia was larger than the average. It was to the point that I didn’t feel comfortable being intimate with my own boyfriend. I decided I couldn’t live like this and found Dr. Hamori who offered a solution. She was very warm, kind, and comforting through the consultation and entire process. I felt very safe. Post operation was extremely painful as I expected, I took a lot of pain medicine and avoiding being on my feet at all costs for at least a week. I felt a constant burning pain which was the worst when I was urinating. It hurt badly when I walked for about 7 days. You should make sure you have at least a week off if you plan on getting this done. However, this procedure was well worth the pain. I couldn’t be happier with the results. My female anatomy is now so perfect I couldn'=’t be more confident about it!
Thanks Dr. Hamori. C.K.”
“Wonderful doctor. Dr. Diedwardo is a very talented plastic surgeon. She really took the time to talk to me about my labiaplasty. Her office staff was helpful and the doctor's bedside manner could not have been better. I felt safe and well cared for. Dr Diedwardo is the BEST.
- Labiaplasty Resources
For more information on labiaplasty surgery, please visit:
The website is a project of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, which will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge and answer many common questions. Review of this site will also allow you to ask informed questions when you meet with Dr. Hamori for your surgical consultation.
- Labiaplasty Variations
Labiaplasty surgeries explained
Dr. Hamori developed the following video animations of labiaplasty procedures for use with her patients to help visualize what tissue is removed and the resulting scar. Each wireframe animation is accompanied by her brief notes.
Labia Minora Reduction (Wedge Labioplasty)
“I use the wedge technique to reduce the bulk and hyperpigmentation of the labia minora. Two pie-shaped wedges are excised from the labia minora leaving behind only small scars. Patients whom have dark pigmentation along the edge of the labia minora frequently request to have this removed. The wedge technique can remove central pigmentation but if the pigmentation extends along the entire length of the minora, a sculpted linear technique (edge trim) may be performed.” (see animation below)
© 2018 Christine A. Hamori, MD. All rights reserved.
Edge Trim Labiaplasty
“Another form of labia minora reduction is a labia edge trim or sculpted linear excision. The technique reduces the pigmentation, if bothersome, along the edge of the labia minora. The scar is along the leading edge of the labia and heals nicely. I will use the labiaplasty technique most suitable to each patient’s distinct anatomy and aesthetic requests. The recovery is similar to wedge labiaplasty.”
©2018 Christine A. Hamori, MD
Labiaplasty Extended Cut (Modified Wedge)
“Some patients present with elongated or enlarged labia minora and also some degree of clitoral hood excess. The modified wedge labiaplasty addresses both the large labia minora and a redundant or protrusive clitoral hood. This area is frequently of concern to patients when they look in the mirror. A wide clitoral hood contributes to a wider separation of the labia majora which many women find less appealing. The wedge technique incision is extended upwards along each side of the clitoral hood. The excess tissue of the clitoral hood is safely reduced and the very thin scar is placed in the groove between the labia minora and the majora. This is the most commonly performed labiaplasty technique I perform.”
©2018 Christine A. Hamori, MD
Labiaplasty with Posterior Release
“Some patients have a connection between the two labia minora posteriorly along the back of the vaginal opening. If this is the case and a wedge technique is desired, a posterior release of the connection between the labia (posterior fourcette) may be required.
It is similar to an episiotomy procedure but with a much smaller incision. The scar in this location heals very nicely but the area may be a bit sore for a few days afterwards.”
©2018 Christine A. Hamori, MD
Labia Majora Reduction
“Some women note excess labia majora outer lips of the vaginal area in addition to labia minor enlargement. The labia majora can be reduced by elliptically excising tissue and hiding the scar along the natural groove between the labia minor and the majora. The patient pictured has excess labia majora dangling inferiorly. The labia minora are not visible but the labia majora are bulky. These patients complain of bulkiness in their underwear and yoga pants. The treatment options are labia majora reduction (see animation below) or ThermiVa.”
© 2016 Christine A. Hamori, MD. All rights reserved.
Clitoral Hood Reduction
“Excess skin or hooding along the top of the clitoris is present in some women. This redundant skin (clitoral hood) may be trimmed to decrease the bulkiness of the area.” (see animation below)
© 2018 Christine A. Hamori, MD. All rights reserved.
Female Anatomy Illustrated
The deep structures of the perineum consist of muscles of the pelvic floor, nerves, arteries and veins. The nerves are responsible for both the muscular contraction of the pelvic muscles and also sensation of the labia and vaginal tissues. Additionally, the pudendal nerve of the pelvis connects to the clitoris and allows for orgasms to occur. This nerve lies deep to the surrounding fascia of the clitoris and is safe during routine labiaplasty and clitoral hood reduction.
Are you considering labiaplasty surgery?
“Labiaplasty is a very personal decision. Please don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have about this procedure. Feel free to start a conversation.”
Christine A. Hamori, MD, FACS Christine A. DiEdwardo, MD, FACS